
Legendary Aspect
Casting Core or Mastery skills at or above 100 mana gain [20-40%] Increased Critical Strike Probability
Allowed Item Types
1H Weapon
2H Weapon (Power Boosted by 100%)
Amulet (Power Increased 50%)
How to Extract from a Legendary Artifact
Unlocking the Codex of Power after completing a Pallid Delve Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Elementalist’s aspect in Diablo 4 has been classified as an Offensive Aspect. This means that it is a key part of your attack strategies in the game. This Aspect is a major contributor to the Core and Mastery skills of a Sorceress.
Elementalist Aspect is defined as: Casting Core or Mastery skills at or above 100 Mana gain. [20-40%] Increased Critical Strike Probability
How to get the Elementalist Aspect: Location
The Elementalist Aspect can be found in Diablo 4 randomly on any Legendary item or by completing the Pallid Delve Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
You can increase your chances of getting the Elementalist Aspect by entering World Tier 3 or higher. World Tier 3 can be accessed after the main campaign.
The Legendary Drop Rate increases in these higher tiers. This increases the chance of landing the Elementalist Aspect. The exact drop is not guaranteed.
Diablo 4’s Legendary items share a table of Legendary Affixes. This includes the Elementalist Aspect. This Aspect could be on every Legendary item. Unique Items are an exception, since they always have a specific affix.
Imprinting the Elementalist’s Aspect onto your gear is next. This can be done at the Occultist character, where you extracted the Aspect. Keep in mind that you can only use the extracted Aspect once.
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